I can’t believe I’m about to ask this in 2016 but I am looking for a new word processor.
I am currently using Mou but manually writing file references and not having a preview of what your document will look like feels a bit 1989.
I tried MarsEdit but it doesn’t suit my needs. It should be rich text like Pages and Microsoft Word, but:
- It shouldn’t mess with my original image files i.e. when I drag a JPG inside the editor, I should be able to still access that JPG in its uncompressed format.
- I would also like it to export to clean HTML e.g. a paragraph is a paragraph, headings become h2 etc., without extra weird styling tags.
Anyone knows something out there built for this purpose?
Why not just use a markdown editor ?
Original image files: yep
Export to clean HTML: yep
Maybe something like Ulysses
If you find one share it :) I still need to see a word processor that can actually export to decent html. I use OpenOffice when a client sends me a word file.
Surprisingly, I think CKEditor does exactly this: http://ckeditor.com/demo. Use it in full screen mode.
Unconventional answer, I do realize that :)