
Photo of Johan

Hi! My name is Johan, I am a freelance design director. I direct design projects where I combine individual work with the management of talented designers and front-end developers to get to a quality end result.

Types of work

Here are the types of work I am interested in:

  • UI/UX design for web and native applications, for desktop, tablet and mobile as well as embedded computers
  • Design systems and front-end styleguides
  • Advanced graphics
    • Data visualization
    • Map-related projects
  • Front-end development
    • HTML/CSS
    • Vanilla JS
    • Svelte or Vue.js
  • Figma consultancy
    • Workshops or private tutoring

Take a look at my portfolio if you are curious to see some visuals. Contact me if you have some work you think is right for me! You can reach me via


I used to be a web designer, working on a lot of marketing websites for a few years. Within this job, I had a few chances to work on projects that were more app-like. I always liked working on functional designs that have a real use case, and I gravitated towards those.

After my first job, I started freelancing. I chose to specialize in UI design for software. I mainly like to make user experiences real and make the mix between design and development. There's so much more to user interface design than pure aesthetics.

For seven years I ran Mono, with my co-founder Xavier. This was a small-sized, boutique interface design agency. Now I am back to freelancing.


Please contact me individually for my resume.