iPad Pro – Tidbits (3)

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Graphic by Autodesk

Yesterday I was talking to Sander Spolspoel, who is a freelance animator that specializes in small videos that explain concepts e.g. what a company does. You can find his website here.

He’s had an iPad Pro since December. He uses it a lot for creative work. He showed me tons of drawings that he made using the iPad, mainly created using an app called Graphic. Here’s a screenshot of the app:

Basically it works a lot like Adobe Illustrator. It looks very promising and I think I’ll use this the next time I am drawing a design on the iPad.

Git clients and coding on the iPad

Did you know there are Git clients for the iPad? I spotted an app called Working Copy on Federico Vittici’s home screen and I was curious – it turns out to be a Git client. It looks like this:

I’ve got a whole separate blog post coming up about coding on the iPad, but it’s interesting to know that this exists.

What I think about the iPad Pro after about a week

One week in, I know I freaking love this device. I’ve had iPads for years, but they mostly went unused. The main use case for the iPad would be entertainment on long trips. In a work-like situation I would either go to my iPhone or my Macbook to do something, but now my go-to device has become the iPad Pro.

A huge part of this is because I am obviously testing the device, but I think it’s going to stay this way. I have the feeling I’ll have to relearn a lot of my existing workflows but in the end they will be better. At the very least I’ll learn something new. 

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