Screenshot to Layout released for free

- Posted in build-in-public figma figma-plugins

You can use my Figma plugin Screenshot to Layout to generate editable text from a screenshot.

Select an image in Figma, run the plugin command “Process image”, and then see a Figma layout appear with editable text. You can see how it works in this video:

This plugin is extremely useful to quickly start working on a new design based on a screenshot.

You will need a free Screenshot to Layout account to use this plugin. Go to to get started. Then enter your API key in the plugin itself via the menu item Plugins > Screenshot to Layout > Enter API key*.

Pro tip: there is also a command you run called Process image so you only ever need to open the plugin once, to set your API key.

Note: this plugin might shut down at any time if it gets popular due to the processing cost of sending your image to Microsoft Azure for processing. We are releasing it for free to test if it vibes with an audience, before overthinking the aspect that it might get popular.

Privacy: Do note that your image gets sent to a server, and the actual image data can be retrieved from the logs. We don’t look at the image passing through this service, except for debugging reasons, but be careful with OCR’ing sensitive data.

*Note that these instructions are for an older version of Screenshot to Layout. For the newest, refer to the website.

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