Join the Doccle design team as a UI/UX designer

- Posted in doccle hiring jobs

At Doccle, we are seeking a talented UI/UX designer with a passion for creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces.

Who we are looking for exactly is listed on this job listing. In short, we are looking for a candidate with 2-5 years of experience, that is ready to join a product team focussed on quality.

I want to give a bit of backstory for those considering applying.

At Doccle, I’ve been building up the design team to improve the product. After 2,5 years of work we now have two great design systems in place for both our web and mobile apps. The Doccle team grew from approximately 20 people when I joined to 50 people.

We have great workflows for making sure that the design work is correctly tied to the software roadmap and any ticketing.

Lately there is a big emphasis on user research and validating the proposed solutions with a real user base. Both qualitative and quantitative research contribute to studying subject matter before starting to develop it. We have over 3 million users. There is a wealth of information to draw from.

Sometimes it’s hard to “UX research” the thing before it gets developed (you know: the old “if I asked people what they wanted…”) – for this we have data-based experiments, complete with analytics tracking, across all touchpoints. All of the above informs our software development roadmap.

The design team works mostly on the product side, where you will work together with analysts and product managers to get to a great end result. Examples of work include payment flows, document management flows and exploring exciting new features such as data sharing.

I don’t know about you but I have this special obsession for great administrative workflows, and it’s quite fun to work on optimizing the way a small independent would do their quarterly return in Doccle.

When I was working on Mono we had a big emphasis on how, when a designer joined the team, we would let them grow in their careers. We would help them with missing gaps in their skillset and finding the golden combination between what the company needed, what the person wanted to grow in, and what they were already good at. I want to apply the management techniques I learned at Mono in the Doccle context. What this means for you, as a candidate, is that I will take special care in mentoring you as a designer.

The team also has a great link with the marketing and front-end dev teams. There is a website that documents the brand, and the overall assets used have a cross-over between design and marketing. With the web front-end devs we discuss new design components and how they relate to the overall front-end pattern library. With the native mobile devs, we discuss the correct usage of iOS/Android patterns as we translate features to be available on every platform with respect for the design language of each platform.

I truly believe this is a great and unique position, and there are few product positions like this in Belgium. You would have to look abroad to find the kinds of companies with so many users, where the actual digital product is the primary focal point.

Next to a full-time designer, we are also looking into an internship/apprenticeship in school year 2024-2025. We are mostly looking at people who are studying Digital Experience Design at IMD or Devine.

If you are interested, we would love you to to apply using the instructions in the post.

I will be in Belgium the next few weeks, just phone me during office hours: +32 479 29 86 81 or e-mail my Doccle mail:

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