Svelte: dynamic CSS classes

- Posted in svelte - 1 comment

I might start writing some blog posts to keep up with learning Svelte. I wrote this one, more might follow, but I am not promising anything ;).

The first topic of today is :class.

Take a look at this code, we add a class of .blue when foo is true:

   var foo = true;
   .blue { color: blue; }
 <h1 class="blue {foo ? 'foo': ''}">Hello world</h1>

This code works but it’s not very Svelte-ish.

In Svelte you can dynamically add a class based on, for example, whether a Javascript variable is true or false.

For example

  var foo = true;

  .red { color: red; }

<h1 class:red="{foo}">Hello world</h1>

Now, you can also combine a regular class with an “optional class”:

   var foo = true;

   .red { color: red; }
   .blue { color: blue; }

 <h1 class="blue" class:red={foo}>Hello world</h1>

Here is a real life example of this in practice:

In App.svelte:

     import Button from './Button.svelte';
 <Button variant="primary">Hey</Button>
 <Button variant="success">Hey</Button>

In Button.svelte:

     export let variant = null;
     .button { padding: 0.5rem; }
     .primary { background: #748DD5; border-color: #748DD5; color: #FFF; }
     .success { background: #75D37E; border-color: #75D37E; color: #FFF; }

See this REPL for an example.

1 Comment

  • fun code; try this:

    .button { padding: 0.5rem; }
    .primary { background: #748DD5; border-color: #748DD5; color: #FFF; }
    .primary:active { background: dodgerblue; }
    .success { background: #75D37E; border-color: #75D37E; color: #FFF; }
    .success:active { background: lime; }

    then you can see the button clicks

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