It had been 5 years since I had joined CSS day (with no editions in 2020 & 2021), and I was glad to once again visit Amsterdam for an excellently organized two days of talks about CSS.
The conference kicked off with Una Kravets from the Google developer relations team talking about all the new features in CSS. There’s been a lot of evolution over the past few years. If you remember, 2015 was kind of a “banner year” for CSS with a lot going on in terms of grid and flexbox. The last few years there’s been an interesting dynamic, where browser vendors have come together to work on features in an interoperable fashion.
Throughout the conference there were many talks about new features, including container queries, scroll-driven animations, trigonometry functions, new color spaces… as well as the results of some of the efforts of the Open UI working group like selectmenu (a customizable select) and the popover element.
I took a lot of notes in the container queries talk, and during Bramus‘s talk section about scroll-driven animations I could not help myself to make a codepen to try out the newest features (warning: Chrome Canary with the right feature flags only). I am especially excited about container queries landing in browsers. For me that’s been the missing part of responsive web design.
A conference is not only about the talks of course, and I was happy to meet some new people, talk to some old CSS friends. Where else can you discuss selector complexity and the need for abstractions like CSS modules and have the other side of the table understand what you are saying?
I especially want to thank the organisers Krijn and PPK, and the team behind the conference. It could not have been smoother and better organized. Props to them.
After a few months of using Mastodon, and a few weeks of sometimes launching Bluesky and being confused, I have thoughts. Like many people, I was fed up with Twitter at some point and decided to look elsewhere.
My Mastodon profile is here and my Bluesky profile is here.
Mastodon: Clients
The default Mastodon web experience is not the best… I tried to migitate that by using different clients. Elk is a bit better on web. Ice cubes for iOS is OK, but it seems to have a lot of ghost notifications. I get a push notification, and then my list is empty. I haven’t found a client I really love.
Mastodon: DM’ing
DM’ing on Mastodon is quite different than on Twitter. A DM is a “private mention”, it shows up right on your feed in the same place as other messages.
When you DM, you are essentially sending a messsaging to mentioned people only. But UI-wise, it’s quite unclear what is what.
DM’ing on Twitter was a big deal for me to ask questions to my network or have small private conversations. DM’ing on Mastodon so far doesn’t feel right.
Mastodon: Activity
Activity on Mastodon is quite low so I see the same over-active people writing their things. I do only follow 1/5 of the amount of people as I do on Twitter so the answer is probably there… but I still have the impression that people just – use it less than Twitter?
In a way I prefer an algorithm there to make noisy people less noisy, while still following them. But if I look at the “For you” tab on Twitter, it’s full of poor content (very comparable to LinkedIn has been for years) – making me appreciate a non-algorhitmic feed. You can’t have it both ways I guess.
After many years of Twittering I have consistently been hovering around following 600-ish people. At one point, this gave me a steady stream of news and opinions, while still being managable to read. But I think things have gone downhill lately.
What about Bluesky?
There is also Bluesky, which is so new that I can’t say much.
First I was confused by the look and feel of it. Some parts look so unprofessional that I wondered if they are even genuine. The marketing website doesn’t style their links and looks very bare bones. The iOS login screen looks like it was put together in a minute, in such a way that I first thought I was dealing with a scam app.
The few times I’ve tried it, it’s been a weird experience. Almost no one I know is on there and I got followed by 30+ people who I don’t even know. For now, it’s not engaging at all, so I just quit the app a few minutes after I start using it.
Today, in the process of writing this blog post, I tried to add my own domain as a username (a feature of the AT protocol) but it did not work.
The concept of verifying your identity using a domain you own is interesting. Essentially if you have access to the keys of a domain (by being able to set DNS records) that is enough of an identity verification, and that sounds pretty legit to me.
I thought it was funny when somebody registered themselves to the Github CDN or standard S3 bucket urls.
All in all
All of the above is leading me to mix my Twitter and Mastodon usage. I guess I wil occassionally launch Bluesky to see how it evolves.
At one point I thought we (we, as in the communities I follow) would all quit Twitter and move over to Mastodon.
I recently started switching a Storybook that was based on the MDX format to the Component Story Format 3.0 format, skipping the 2.0 entirely… so some things were not that clear to me. I’m documenting them here for the reference of myself and others. Thse examples work in Storybook 6.5, and I believe also in 7.0 since the team worked on full backwards compatibility.
You can pass storyName below an exported story to give it another name:
Een update na 2,5 maand. Zoals ik in mijn vorige post rapporteerde wordt ik het hier wel wat gewoon.
Het appartment krijgt meubel-gewijs vorm. Het opstaan op een ontieglijk uur lukt wonderwel – en dat voor een avondmens.
Qua werk neigt het meer naar front-end dezer dagen. Uit eigen keus – ik wil graag software écht naar een hoger niveau krijgen niet blijven steken in concept designs.
We gebruiken wel niet echt mijn favo technologie (React…) maar ik leer wel het een en ander bij over software engineering.
Na jaren nooit echt de switch te maken naar een “echte” IDE heb ik nu écht de switch gemaakt naar IntelliJ.
Ik moet wat meer tijd steken in Spaans leren, maar heb eigenlijk wel vrij veel werk. Ik denk dat het echte taalniveau er pas van gaat komen als ik a) ofwel een dedicated cursus volg of b) in een Mexicaanse context zou werken. Het eerste zou er nog van kunnen komen, voor het 2e is de kans vrij klein. Europese of Amerikaanse klanten betalen nu eenmaal beter ;)
Qua games heb ik na een lange gameloze-periode (met uitzondering van Tunic als tussendoortje in de kerstvakantie) eindelijk tijd kunnen maken voor 2 games: Age of Empires 4 en Elden Ring.
AoE4 neemt de bovenhand met ondertussen al een kleine 30 uur op de teller. De verschillende civs zijn leuk om mee te leren spelen, en ook al draait het vrij brak op mijn oude MBP15, het blijft leuk.
Elden Ring moet nog een beetje openbloeien, voorlopig vind ik het alvast vrij enjoyable. Ik zit een paar uur in de game en hoor dat het pas na een acht of tiental uur echt begint.
Daarnaast, niet om de Belgen jaloers te maken, maar hier is het lekker 28 graden. Iets te warms zelfs.
Qua vrienden is het een beetje zoeken. Ik moet nog een beetje socialer worden denk ik. Misschien iets van sport oppikken. Heb alvast mijn fiets ietwat beter laten afstellen.
Qua reizen heb ik een ticket voor CSS day geboekt, in juni – en in augustus ga ik ook nog een keer richting Europa. Er zijn wel wat reizen gepland. En mijn familie komt eens een kijkje nemen in Mexico stad! Hoera.
Ik word het wel wat gewoon hier na een dikke 1,5 maand. We hebben nu een appartementje. Ik heb een visum voor een jaar. Ik weet waar ik mijn inkopen moet doen. Heb een fiets gekocht en een computerscherm.
En donderdag komt er een nieuwe bureau aan. De IKEA hier was precies door al zijn voorraad, maar op een dag was ik nog eens aan het checken en – aha! – mijn bureaustoel en voorkeursbureau was terug op voorraad. Er moet een boot van Zweden zijn gekomen, ofzo.
Ik probeer op te staan om 5u30 om de Europese middag mee te pakken – om 6u aan mijn bureau, dan is het 13u in België. Voorlopig gaat dat goed, vind ik. Ik zou het eens aan mijn collega’s moeten vragen wat zij vinden. Maar één stiekem voordeel is dat ik in de namiddag nooit meetings heb, en dus lekker geconcentreerd kan doorwerken.
Het thema van de voorbije maand is een nieuw project waar ik bijzonder weinig over kan zeggen. Daarnaast probeer ik de front-end implementatie van ons design systeem op een nieuwe niveau te brengen. Na een tweetal maanden mobile design verwelkom ik terug een beetje front-end.
Mijn werkdag stopt dan typisch rond 15u30-16u afhankelijk van hoeveel pauzes. En dan zou je denken: dan heb je nog een hele dag om dingen te doen… maar de realiteit is, een mens heeft maar zoveel energie, dus ergens rond 20u30 of 21u is het al bedtijd. Een heel ander ritme dan om middernacht gaan slapen in België.
Wat ik mis: mijn vrienden, mijn familie, en raar maar waar, om een beetje op de hoogte te zijn van de Belgische (politieke) actualiteit. Nog iets dat ik mis: de kwaliteit van de supermarkten. Wat ik niet mis: donkere winters, de Belgische regen, het verkeer rond Antwerpen, en de NMBS.
En o ja, ik wil jullie niet jaloers maken, maar het is hier 25 graden vandaag.
After upgrading to Ventura, my lovely e-mail signature showed up with missing images.
A bit of Googling brought me to a solution.
For each image, instead of the image, use an HTML element (e.g. a or div) with the width and height of the original image, and a background image that is encoded as base64 (for Apple mail), with a fallback to the image URL (for gmail).
It is time to drop some esoteric knowledge again, for the Googling people that get into the same pickle as me. And for myself, when I have this problem on a new machine.
So the problem is as follows: sometimes you get into a situation where formatting on save goes against the rules set in your project’s .stylelintrc. I got into this situation where, for a reason unbeknowst, the editor was intent on removing the spaces between the parentheses in code like this:
@media ( max-width: 500px ) {
So basically changing it to…
@media (max-width: 500px) {
I personally think that is the best formatting, but to stop syntax discussions the coding gods have invented eslint and stylelint, and who am I, as a new dev on the team, to go against a rule? I don’t even want to have those discussions anyway.
I took me a while, but… after combining several blog posts I found the right settings. You will need to go to Tools > File Watchers in the settings (you will need the File Watchers plugin), and create a new setting. These are the settings you need:
In the process I learned that IntelliJ Idea has even more settings than I thought.
BTW. I think after many years of just happily coding without any IDE “help”, I think I might have found my new editor. VSCode never really sat with me. But I can work with this.
In the video above I demonstrate a little app and its code in a slightly unorderly fashion, so I thought I’d put some words down and hopefully make things more clear.
First of all, this is just a demo app and not a real-life application, although it contains concepts that a real-life application will need like environment variables, progressive enhancement, data fetching, calling an API etc.
I re-architected an earlier version of this todo app to use the latest changes in SvelteKit. The old version used fetch calls all over the place and was hardly optimized. I made it a few months ago to practice with HTTP verbs like PATCH, PUT, DELETE etc.
This new version works way better, and behind the scenes it’s using the latest SvelteKit logic. This means using +page.js – +page.server.js, the new load function etc.
These todo demos might seem silly but serve the purpose of showing how a real-world app could look like in the fewest lines of code. They’re a way to practice and evaluate the concepts behind something.
In the case of the Sveltekit todo app (I mean the official one, which you can see by generating a new SvelteKit project), an API is called, and you can add, edit and delete todo items.
In my demo app, there is similar functionality, although a Trello board is being used as a back-end.
The reason that I do this is so that this way I don’t need to build an API (a skill I currently don’t have) and I can (1) use their excellent documentation and (2) I can focus on the heart of the matter, which is building a working app where I can experiment with doing things that a real-world app should do i.e. all your CRUD-y goodness: add stuff, modify stuff, delete stuff.
Buuuut here I can do it in a way that is super modern. The gist of the techniques used is that you can have all the benefits of an MPA + SPA combined.
It’s quite hard to explain, because you’d have to piece together a few of Rich Harris’s Svelte/SvelteKit talks to really make sense of it. But I’ll give it a shot.
In one of them he had a progressively enhanced form demo. He disabled JS and his form still worked. Because everything ran on the server, and was only progressively enhanced by the client.
In his newest talk at the real-life Svelte Summit (which I just attended in Stockholm) he came up with another demo, this time implementing Sverdle, a Wordle clone in SvelteKit. The same logic applied here – fully running on the server, enhanced on the client.
If you ever read about Remix for React this will sound very familiar. SvelteKit is built using as much of the web platform as possible (we are talking FormData, actions inspired by HTTP verbs etc.).
I think all of this is very exciting and I couldn’t wait to try it out, so that’s what I did. You can watch the video for my full explanation.
I find the code logic behind this to be beautiful.
For example, the code belows shows a simplified delete button, tied to a form action. The first part of the code lives in the +page.js template, the other in the +page.server.js file.
You could make a small form for every CRUD action on the page (like in SvelteKit’s demo app) or work with bigger forms that do more.
I love this new approach of working in SvelteKit. It is so concise, yet it does so much. I believe SvelteKit form actions are the bomb and usher in the future of forms in web apps. No more controlled inputs. Hello server side rendering and progressive enhancement!
You can find the GitHub repo for this project here.