Active projects


Obra Studio
My new agency. Focus on helping software companies to the next design level.



Portfolio 2024
My design portfolio. I am taking on new projects for startups. Get in touch!
Obra Icons
A simple, consistent set of icons, perfect for user interfaces.
Screenshot to Layout
A Figma plugin to generate editable text from a screenshot, powered by Microsoft’s Cognitive Services.
Design & front-end


User interface library powered by Svelte
Bedrock (est. 2016)
Bedrock is a powerful static site generator to create advanced HTML prototypes.
Mono (est. 2015 – stopped 2021)
Building out an interface design team focused on quality.
Success through Opennness in Design
Presentation at Open Belgium ’21.


Community + design + documentation for Routify, an open-source, file-based router for Svelte.
Figma workshops
Workshops on how to efficiently work with Figma.


Best of 2019
Revisiting my favorite releases of 2019.


Best of 2018
Revisiting my favorite releases of 2018.
Variable fonts
Experiments with variable fonts.


Best of 2017
A Christmas holidays project – read the making of here.
VR Research
I bought a virtual reality headset and wrote about my experiences.


Keynote Extractor
A tool to create better HTML exports out of Keynote. This is a native macOS app. Sadly, this product has some reliabiluty problems due to Keynote’s changes to their file format.
Drie Keer (offline)
A music blog about the Belgian music scene (in Dutch)
iPad Pro research
For about a month I wrote a lot of blog posts about the iPad Pro, trying to use it for productivity purposes. I failed but it was interesting nonetheless.
Effective User Interface Design with HTML Prototyping – Frontend United
Slides for a talk given at the Frontend United conference in Ghent.
The Good, The Bad and The Interesting in UI design
Slides for a talk given at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam.


Kana Master
iPhone application to learn the Japanese hiragana and katakana character sets.
Talk: Understanding User Interface Design (UX Talk Tokyo)
A 30 minute talk in which I explain what the work of a user interface designer entails.
An Introduction to Designing Universal Windows Platform applications
I was excited about Windows 10 and researched everything I could to compile this article that provides designers with an introduction on how to design for the new UWP context.
5 games we loved at Tokyo Indie Fest 2015
My first mini documentary. I learned a lot about video editing in the process.


Clank (offline)
Clank was a UI framework focussed on HTML/CSS components for mobile apps.
Wolf’s Little Store (version 5) (offline)
The 5th and final iteration of the Wolf’s Little Store website. Xavier joins as partner and the company transforms into Mono.
CS50 (offline)
Raving about an online course to learn Computer Science. My interest did not last very long but I did learn some basic C.


Wolf’s Little Store (version 4) (offline)
The fourth iteration of the Wolf’s Little Store website, focussing on interface design for applications.


Designing better user interfaces
A presentation on the usability of common interface elements e.g. select boxes, maps and lightboxes.
Johan Ronsse Photography
A brief stint as a photographer. I realized I didn’t want to start at the bottom of the ladder as a photographer while UI design was my true love. However, I’m glad that I have the skills I learned. Reviewed various mirrorless cameras in the process.


Designing for iOS
I started to become interested in application design for touch screens. This presentation details the design process of ConcertWall, an app to find the best concerts in your area.
Design for Developers
A presentation to grasp the basics of design for developers. Somehow this got more than 150 000 views on Slideshare which led to me making more presentations.


Wolf’s Little Store (version 3) (offline)
Wolf’s Little Store now became an official company. This version of the portfolio featured various kinds of work while I was figuring out my direction as a newborn freelancer.


2009: A Year in Review (offline)
A follow-up of 2008’s editorial design experiment.
Wolf’s Little Store – Version 2 (offline)
The 2nd iteration of my own website, this time in Dutch. With more experiments in editorial design and per-article layouts.


2008: A Year in Review (offline)
A first real editorial design experiment.
Catalog of Visual Interestingness (offline)
A blog with found images. Before Tumblr image blogs were cool.


Wolf’s Little Store – Version 1 (offline)
While working for my first agency job I wrote about web design. At the time I was obsessed with learning how to work productively with the myriad of tools you need to make websites, so this was mostly about that.