Monthly Archives: August 2024

Choose your own adventure (2)

- Posted in aspirations career ondernemen

My search for a new adventure is starting in earnest after some holidays. Two weeks ago I wrote about two main options, one was getting a product designer role in a US startup/scaleup, the other one was restarting agency life. I’ve been looking at jobs on and on Ideally I can find a […]

ShapeShifter plugin for Figma

- Posted in figma figma-plugins

Fresh from the plugin press, this plugin by Vijay Verma provides some shortcuts to easily access important vector tools In Figma. This can help as a bit of a bandaid, since Figma’s UI team inexplicably decided to hide the vector tools behind extra clicks in UI3.

High-end fonts included with macOS

- Posted in resources typography

Did you know that macOS comes with some wonderful, super high quality fonts that normally cost hundreds or thousands of euros to license? I believe they came with an update to Pages templates a few years ago. If you open Font Book — the app used to manage fonts on macOS — and then search […]

Converting an .mp4 to a .gif using ffmpeg

- Posted in productivity workflow

Today I was converting an mp4 video to a gif and I figured I’d document some commands that helped in the process. I used ffmpeg to do this. You can install it on Mac or Linux using homebrew: For optimal quality, generate a color pallette based on a timestamp in the video: This will generate […]

Choose your own adventure

- Posted in aspirations career ondernemen

When I started as a freelancer in 2011, I dove into the world of mobile apps. But that’s the short story. The longer one is that I first did some branding and web design. Then, I had a stint as a photographer. I worked for advertising agencies (not really my thing…), development companies (interesting but […]

A next phase + new portfolio link

- Posted in career

Change is afoot for me; After 2,5 years working with Doccle I’ll be working on finding new design challenges to take on with my agency Obra Studio. At this moment, I am not sure where things will go. One part of me dreams of going back to agency life and build out a bigger, stronger […]