Monthly Archives: April 2017

macOS programming (3)

- Posted in development

Yay! I built a working calculator for the iPhone. I followed this Lynda tutorial. In the process I learned about enum, guard, optionals, autolayout & constraints etc. I figured there wouldn’t be any modern macOS programming resources so I’d have to sidestep to iOS to eventually get back to macOS, because the principles would be […]

macOS programming (2)

- Posted in development

I am going to use this blog as a bit of a reference point as I learn about macOS programming. View Life Cycle There is something called the view life cycle. It is basically the event chain of your application. I saved this helpful image: Logging (akin to console.log on the web) You can print […]

Resources for macOS programming

- Posted in development

Yesterday evening I took a stab at understanding macOS programming. I got as far as making this with storyboards: Now I want to learn more about actually coding something useful. The problem is that I can’t find good resources to start doing this. The main cause being the transition to Swift and the fact that seemingly everyone […]