Monthly Archives: August 2021

Computer says no

- Posted in computers rant

De meeste mensen gebruiken hun computer omdat het moet, en ik denk dat ik stilaan ook zo ga worden. Want de laatste weken hebben de computers zoiets van: FU Johan, we gaan u gewoon een beetje tegenwerken. Mijn Withings horloge is gestopt met werken, de minuutwijzer draait niet meer. Een week in rijst leggen brengt […]

Google Drive for Desktop v50: manual reindexing

- Posted in reference workflow - 3 comments

With the new Google Drive for desktop update, Alfred stopped working. I rely heavily on Alfred to find files, to move to deep folders quickly etc. For reference here is the version I am using: I think reason it doesn’t work is because Spotlight doesn’t index the drives anymore. You can solve this by running: […]

Designers: please use rectangles for borders, not lines

- Posted in design figma interface rant workflow

To draw a line, use the line tool. Sounds logical, doesn’t it? However, since year and day, I’ve avoided using the line tool and I don’t think I am the only designer to do so. If you’re using a line for a border, do yourself a favor, and just draw a rectangle instead. What you’ll […]