Author Archives: Johan

Prototype interfaces using AI, by Obra Studio

- Posted in Uncategorized

I am working on a new talk. I’d like to give it in several venues if I find interested parties. Here is the outline of the talk below: In this talk, I would like to present a workflow to prototype interfaces using AI. In this workflow, we are using prototypes to validate an idea; to […]

Obra – 1,5 months in – How it’s going?

- Posted in build-in-public obra-studio process

I’ve noticed that a lot of people are following my story, which incentivizes me to write. Currently, I am doing design work for a start-up I believe in, while also juggling recruiting and business development. I am working 10 to 12 hour days and most weekends. It’s not sustainable, but I have the energy. My […]

Dear designer

- Posted in hiring obra-studio

Dear designer, Thank you for your first year at Obra. In this year, we did a lot of work as a team. As a founder, I’m happy we grew the team to seven people. Now we have a solid base of designers to grow the company once more. We’re aiming to become a design reference […]

Our logo design process

- Posted in workflow

A client might come to us with the question to design a logo; but in our minds, it’s the start of a larger branding process. A logo can hardly be designed in isolation; it’s necessary to cement it within a cohesive brand, with considerations for typography and colours. Ideally, there is room to work on […]

HTML prototyping with AI

- Posted in workflow

As I mentioned in my previous blog post about AI wireframing, your biggest asset as a startup is speed. The last two workdays were spent using a combination of Claude, Figma, Cursor, and Wispr Flow to work on an HTML prototype. I created a large desktop React prototype with seven modules (launch checklist, [secret module […]

User interface wireframing with AI and speech dictation

- Posted in workflow

As a start-up, your biggest asset is speed. I’ve used a new technique that I’ve called prompt wireframing where I use a combination of tools to get the job done. There is this moment in a project when it’s unclear where things are going. There are designs somewhere. There’s a user story spreadsheet somewhere else. […]

Year in Review 2024

- Posted in lifelog year-in-review

As the year draws to a close, I saw a few “year in review” posts pop up, like this one by Pawel Grzybek. This seemed like a good idea, so I wrote one. I used to make these year in review websites, where I would experiment with new technology. I also used them as a […]

Looking for business partner; e-myth musings; and connect/travel plans

- Posted in entrepreneurship update

Right now, I am looking at the designs for the new Obra website. Earlier last week, I posted an update to the current website, changing my positioning from being a solo contractor to an agency founder looking to find the right people. My intent is to have the correct mix of working on the business […]

El trabajo comienza de nuevo

- Posted in emprendimiento espanol

Este verano terminé mi contrato con Doccle después de dos años y medio. Llevo 2 años viviendo en la Ciudad de México, donde conocí al amor de mi vida. Después de una boda maravillosa y la luna de miel que la acompañó, hace dos semanas tocaba retomar el hilo del trabajo. Se siente como un […]

Het werk begint opnieuw 

- Posted in career entrepreneurship mexico nederlands

Deze zomer beëindigde ik na 2,5 jaar mijn contract bij Doccle. Ik woon sinds 2 jaar in Mexico-stad, waar ik de liefde van mijn leven heb ontmoet. Na een schitterend huwelijk en bijbehorende huwelijksreis was het twee weken geleden de tijd om de draad van het werk opnieuw op te pikken. Het voelt aan als […]