Author Archives: Johan

My go-to utilities for macOS

- Posted in software

Part of what makes the Mac so great is the slew of utility apps to improve your productivity. Here’s a list of my favorites, most of which I have used for many years. SizeUp is a window manager. I use it to put windows on the left or right half of my screen, or easily maximize […]

Cashless at #boomtown #gf18

- Posted in interface

At work we’ve been doing a bit of research regarding point of sale systems. Every time I pay in a situation that is a bit different than the usual cash or debit card situation, I try to document it in order to improve the research. Last night I was at Boomtown at the Gentse Feesten, […]

Apple voor bedrijven korting

- Posted in entrepreneurship

Deze blog post ter info voor andere bedrijven, zodat jullie geen 1 uur en 20 minuten aan de telefoon moeten hangen om computers te bestellen zoals ik vandaag. Je krijgt ongeveer 6% korting op een laptop bestelling als je geregistreerd bent als bedrijf bij Apple en aan een minimum bedrag voldoet. Welk bedrag dit is was niet […]

Rollende hellingen

- Posted in software

Er is een nieuwe feature in Basecamp: de rolling hill chart. Ik moet toch efkes lachen hiermee. Ik volg Basecamp als bedrijf al jaren en ik ben mee met veel van hun ideeën. Maar tegenwoordig gaan ze toch vaak in de mist. Zoals die keer dat ze hun staigair een breadcrumb navigatie hadden laten maken, […]

WWDC wishes

- Posted in computers

WWDC is around the corner. Time to dream up what would be awesome, and then have a reality check tomorrow. Hardware An expandable Mac Pro with a competitive price vs. a Windows-based machine (Below €3-4k depending on options) . I want a machine where I can slot in 32Gb of RAM and a super great GPU (like a GTX1080 or something newer). […]

Movie recents (May 2018)

- Posted in film

I check the cinema offering every week and to be honest, these days the offering is a bit disappointing. Oscar season has ended and not a lot is being released anymore. Cannes just happened but usually those films only land in the cinema much later. So, to get my movie fix, I mostly resorted to streaming this month. You can […]

Taste of Okinawa

- Posted in cooking

When I was on holiday a few months ago, I took a cooking class at Taste of Okinawa. I finally got around to writing a bit about it. The cooking class took place in Naha, Okinawa. Naha is the capital of Okinawa, which is a series of islands in the south of Japan. These islands used to be their own […]

Movie recents (April 2018)

- Posted in film

These are the films I’ve seen in cinema in April 2018. Avengers: Infinity War ★★1/2 After the boringness of Black Panther I wondered for a second what I was doing at another Marvel screening, but I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Pro-tip: if you never saw Age of Ultron and you’re not […]

Movie recents (February + March 2018)

- Posted in film - 1 comment

It’s time for another film roundup. These are the films I’ve seen in cinema in February and March 2018. Phantom Thread ★★★ 1/2  PT Anderson’s best movie in a while. I am definitely going to watch this one again. I’ve seen every Oscar nominee for “Best Picture” besides Darkest hour and this one one should have won […]

Multi line regular expressions in Textmate

- Posted in development

I am mostly writing this for my own reference. Because of the Sketch mask trick, when trying to export icons they had a mask in them that I did not want. Basically I had to remove all masks across 75 icons. Since SVGs are just text files, you can do some regex processing  to find all […]