When you create a new Figma account, all your plugins are gone. This creates an interesting situation where you’ll only install plugins that you actually use. The plugin list on my Mono Figma account is huge from trying things in the past and not cleaning it up. But my new freelance account, it’s clean. Here’s […]
Monthly Archives: September 2021
Ten great movies
I’ve been a bit dissapointed with the quality of series on streaming platforms. My solution to that: return to great cinema. Here’s ten great movies that were released between 2000 and 2020, in no particular order. Ponyo (2008) – Directed by Hayao Miyazaki Maps to the stars (2014) – Directed by David Cronenberg Boyhood (2014) […]
Interoperability dreams
- Posted in computers interface os productivity - 1 comment
I think one of the biggest problems in computing is transporting complex data from one app to another. Or put another way – manipulating the data that’s on your screen in a sensible way, regardless of the app that you are using. If I draw a table in Figma, and I have a few numbers, […]
End of an era
- Posted in entrepreneurship mono nederlands ondernemen persoonlijk professioneel reflectie
We hebben het vandaag officieel aangekondigd: Mono stopt ermee. Ik schreef in de blog post dat het wat zwaar aanvoelde. En dat is ook zo. Sommigen vinden dit een moedige beslissing, om op een hoogtepunt te stoppen. Dat is leuk om te horen. Ook de complimentjes over Mono zijn tof. Maar ergens voelt het ook […]