Author Archives: Johan

Screenshot to Layout Pro: released!

- Posted in bootstrap figma figma-plugins

The first version of my Figma plugin Screenshot to Layout Pro has been released. Use Screenshot to Layout to generate editable text from a screenshot. If you have any questions, or would like to request a trial, don’t hesitate to contact me at . Check it out on the Figma community Edit: The plugin […]

A bootstrapping update

- Posted in bootstrap figma

Over the past month I’ve been on a little indie hacker journey, where I built my first freemium plugin for Figma: Screenshot to Layout. Essentially it’s an OCR plugin: it recognizes text from screenshots and renders it back to Figma. In my first version, I used a file input. I felt I had a nice […]

Job: freelance Svelte developer

- Posted in jobs svelte - 1 comment

Hey all, my bootstrapping journey is reaching an exciting point where we are able to provide real value to designers with the Obra Figma plugins, starting with the Screenshot to Layout plugin. To bring things over the finish line, I am looking for a Svelte developer with (some) design chops to develop and fine tune […]

Figma – Screenshot to Layout plugin (2)

- Posted in figma figma-plugins

I am working on my plugin to build a layout from a screenshot. What does it do? Select an image in Figma, run the plugin command “Screenshot to Layout”, and then see a Figma layout appear with editable text. What is it for? Useful to quickly start working on a new design based on a […]

Figma plugins

- Posted in figma figma-plugins

Just some plugins that have been of use lately. General Navigate multiple siblings Downsize Development of plugins Debugger Node decoder Figlet

An intro to building Figma plugins (2)

- Posted in development figma figma-plugins

In the previous tutorial, we ended with 2 rectangles. The second building block that’s good to learn about is rendering text to the canvas. Working with text is its own challenge in Figma, because there are a lot of edge cases. The first thing to understand is that a font needs to be loaded in […]

An intro to building Figma plugins (1)

- Posted in development figma figma-plugins

In this blog post series I would like to give an introduction to building Figma plugins. We will be learning using a series of “building blocks” and then turn it into a real plugin in the end. In this first tutorial we will be looking at the most basic of basics: creating a rectangle. We […]

Figma: screenshot to layout plugin

- Posted in bootstrap figma

The first thing I am building in my bootstrapping journey is a Figma plugin to turn a screenshot into an editable layout. You have a Figma plugin: Imagine you take this screenshot: And then when you process your image, you get this editable layout: This way, as a designer, if somebody hands you something to […]

Time to bootstrap

- Posted in bootstrap

I am starting something on the side, with the goal of bootstrapping a side business. The idea is to build in public build something that’s real (people can sign up, use it, it provides value) see if ideas get traction (or not) experiment and learn new things In the past I’ve worked on small products […]


- Posted in inspiration

Joe Chesky, AirBnB CEO makes an observation on why designers never run companies in his sit-down with Figma CEO Dylan Field titled “Leading through uncertainty”: “…I think because design, in some ways, is fragile. Companies are organized around a scientific method. And the creative process is something that requires nerve. And over the years, I […]