Author Archives: Johan

Resources for macOS programming

- Posted in development

Yesterday evening I took a stab at understanding macOS programming. I got as far as making this with storyboards: Now I want to learn more about actually coding something useful. The problem is that I can’t find good resources to start doing this. The main cause being the transition to Swift and the fact that seemingly everyone […]

Streaming to Twitch from a PC/Mac: some tips

- Posted in games

A few weeks ago I researched how to stream to Twitch. I am not a heavy Twitch user by any means, but I think it is an interesting platform. When I lived in Japan I met Hawken who worked on a Mario style platformer. Sometimes he would cast his dev work to Twitch. I thought […]

Where are the players?

- Posted in vr

The scene: a panel discussion about VR in Ghent. The challenger: a researcher at IMEC who obviously isn’t convinced about VR. The question: whether VR isn’t a gimmick. None of the panellists can give a strong answer. There is some vague bla bla about that in 2-3 years it will be in consumer’s hands. And […]


- Posted in games

I’ve been a fan of video games for as long as I remember. But I think I am a bit of a weird gamer. I read a lot about games and I like to try games, but I don’t actually play a lot of games. When people tell me they logged 200 hours in some […]

Adventures in VR

- Posted in vr

In January I got an HTC Vive and I started exploring VR. I wanted to write a bit about the journey so far. I came in thinking VR was “interesting” and that I thought I wanted to know more about it. Over the next few weeks I wrote down some of my findings. You can […]

Designing at scale/Deliverable weight

- Posted in interface

On Twitter, Thomas asked “When and why exactly do you do wireframes?”. I replied that this really depends on what kind of work you are doing. You will get a different answer from a web designer than from an app designer. I’ve been enjoying the working file podcast recently. If you are a designer it’s […]

Online education

- Posted in other

A few days ago I was at a reception and a lady from KU Leuven was talking about MOOCs. A MOOC is a Massive Online Open Course. Think of it as going to university but the whole experience is online. This reminded me of a MOOC I enrolled in a few years ago called CS50. […]

Akira Kurosawa’s advice to aspiring filmmakers

- Posted in film

Micro #2

- Posted in Uncategorized

I wonder if there’s any movement in the CSS framework space. Foundation for apps is tied to Angular which means it’s a no-go for me. Bootstrap seems to be dying under its own weight. They are unable to ship a new version because so many people collectively started depending on it. To me an ideal […]

Looking for freelance programmer

- Posted in Uncategorized

I am looking for a programmer for a new project. I have a preference for programmers with experience in both macOS development as Javascript development. You must know your way around the Mac and have a lot of general programming experience using several languages. The project is about publishing blog posts from the Mac. The programming […]