Author Archives: Johan


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I used to read and collect articles about new tech like a madman but these days I can’t be bothered to read most new things. The most interesting reading is really not related to tech at all. I was just reading this article about an author whose book went out of print – and he […]

iPad Pro: conclusions

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In June I got the iPad Pro, and I had this goal of writing about the iPad Pro every day. I wrote about 10 blog posts… and then I gave up. The thing with the iPad Pro is that, if I’m really honest, is that it’s rather useless for my purposes. Which is why I’m […]

Who the iPad Pro is for

- Posted in computers

I am selling my iPad Pro*. It’s not for me. But I think the iPad Pro in its current state is a great machine for three specific types of persons. One is a manager type that sends a lot of e-mails and travels a lot from place to place (I guess from meeting to meeting). […]

Coding on the iPad Pro: how?

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I am trying to find a solution to be able to use the iPad Pro for coding. So far what I’ve got is Coda where I can use the iPad in split screen mode to create a small website. It could be useful for some basic HTML/CSS work, but that’s about it. Ideally I’ll find […]

Using the iPad Pro as a second screen (2)

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I tried to use the iPad Air as an external screen using Duet in a client meeting… it was a disaster. First of all I couldn’t mirror my screen properly, so I was trying to control a second I couldn’t really see all that well. Then whenever I tried to go into full screen mode […]

iPad Pro – Ergonomics

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I didn’t write yesterday so today there are 2 blog posts. This is the first one. I have to say I don’t expect anyone to really read all of this in detail – this writing is just there to ultimately compile the most interesting bits in an article in the research section. But I guess […]

Using the iPad Pro as a graphic design tool

- Posted in computers interface

At Mono we have this little side project where we are building an app to help people get proper HTML content out of their Keynote presentations. I wrote about the idea before in an earlier blog post. Said blog post describes a really clunky workflow to get a Keynote presentation to eventually become a website […]

iPad Pro – Tidbits (3)

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Graphic by Autodesk Yesterday I was talking to Sander Spolspoel, who is a freelance animator that specializes in small videos that explain concepts e.g. what a company does. You can find his website here. He’s had an iPad Pro since December. He uses it a lot for creative work. He showed me tons of drawings […]

iPad Pro – Tidbits (2)

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Skype Today I tested Skype on the iPad Pro. The camera is pretty good – it’s not full HD but it’s not bad at all. I had no issues Skyping with my colleague. One thing worth mentioning is that the angle is quite weird – it’s not frontal, it’s a bit “from below”. Like this:  […]

iPad Pro – Tidbits

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In my goal of writing about the iPad Pro everday, here’s some small bits that will eventually make it into the long research article. Apple Pencil I haven’t used the pencil at length. I am looking for an app where I can draw vectors but still see the underlying pixels so I can draw icons […]