Author Archives: Johan

Claude and keeping context when interacting with an LLM

- Posted in ai claude

I’ve been experimenting with Claude lately. So far for me, it’s the most meaningful competitor to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The software looks great and has all these neat little UX touches. Every time I use it I come back more impressed. The company behind it, Anthrophic, also seems to make conscious efforts to do AI “well”. […]

Deep thoughts on Figma’s AI features: where do we go from here?

- Posted in ai figma software

At Config, I was particularly looking forward to what kind of AI features Figma would announce after acquiring Diagram. This blog is a deep thought piece and also a piece of criticism thinking through those features. It’s also a reflection of what design app features that venture into the realm of creation mean for a […]

Config 2024

- Posted in conference figma figma-plugins

Last week, after Config, I started writing this huge blog post, with all the different subjects that were going through my head. Too many to name, really. If I had over word for the conference, for me personally, it would be overwhelming. To make it more managable to publish my thoughts, a friend suggested to […]

San Francisco

- Posted in conference san-francisco

Ik wil iets kwijt over San Francisco. Ik was er recent voor de Config conferentie van Figma. Het is op sommige vlakken zo’n mooie stad als je het puur visueel bekijkt. Maar het valt me altijd op hoeveel daklozen daar niet zijn. En je moet weten dat ik in Mexico-Stad woon, niet meteen de meest […]

Conference season

- Posted in conference figma

I like June. There is always a lot of tech news: this week it was WWDC. Google I/O has been over for a few weeks and many videos were posted online. CSS day has passed, they put their videos on YouTube every week. And at the end of the month it is time for the […]


- Posted in belgische-problemen openvld politiek

Morgen trekken we allen naar de stembus. Ik heb maar 1 stemadvies. Een negatief advies. Stem alsjeblieft niét op Open VLD. Ik heb deze partij een kans gegeven, heb de interne werking bestudeerd, en ik kan enkel observeren: wat er in zit komt niet naar boven. In theorie is het een liberale partij, maar in […]

Join the Doccle design team as a UI/UX designer

- Posted in doccle hiring jobs

At Doccle, we are seeking a talented UI/UX designer with a passion for creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces. Who we are looking for exactly is listed on this job listing. In short, we are looking for a candidate with 2-5 years of experience, that is ready to join a product team focussed on quality. […]

How to build zero to one inside a company

- Posted in figma product

This video really spoke to me. Mihika’s product management style reminds me of how I work, a lot! I was nodding in agreement all the way. Must-watch if you are involved in product decisions in any way.

Feedback 🤝 Feedback

- Posted in development figma figma-plugins screenshot-to-layout

I am looking for people who want to test drive the new Screenshot to Layout plugin for Figma. I am specifically looking for people who want to jump on a short call, share their screen and share their experience. It would be awesome to do some usability testing after all these months of work. If […]

Type variables in Figma – variable font workaround

- Posted in figma typography

Having been released this week, type variables are the new hotness in Figma. If you want to know the details I recommend this excellent post by Joey Banks. While his post is a general overview, this blog post is more about solving a specific niche issue: the design system I work on uses variable fonts, […]