Author Archives: Johan

Building community in open source: Svelte edition

- Posted in community open-source svelte

Now that Svelte Society Day happened there is a lot of talk about improving the community around Svelte. Efforts have been made in the past, with the biggest one being Svelte Community by swyx. I feel that now we have improve upon these efforts, but also connect these efforts to the “official channels” in a […]

Svelte Society Day

- Posted in svelte Uncategorized

Svelte Society Day is happening this Sunday, an online conference with 10 talks about Svelte that will be streamed on YouTube. The stream will start around 5PM (GMT+1). If you are interested to receive more information, sign up on the website. I didn’t submit a talk but I am working on some Svelte tutorials which […]

Routify + Roxi news

- Posted in development open-source svelte webdev

Last week the new website for Routify was published, which now has a blog. You can read the announcement about the 1.5 release here. Within the Routify project, I am taking on various roles that don’t have too much to do with the coding of the project itself: design for the documentation website, promoting Routify […]

Long time no see

- Posted in nederlands voornemens

Ik ben precies ergens gestopt met bloggen. Ik had wat dingen in de pipeline, rond toegankelijkheid, en dan ben ik totaal gestopt met schrijven. Soms blijft een blog post ook zo lang hangen in de drafts dat je na een tijd begint te twijfelen of het eigenlijk wel iemand interesseert. Tijd om het terug op […]

How to add SCSS to a Svelte project using Routify

- Posted in development routify webdev

Note: this post is out of date since the 1.5 release of Routify. Here’s the code you will need. For package.json: For rollup.config.js For __dynamic.html and __bundle.html: Make sure to add an SCSS folder to the root of your project, with in this case a file called global.scss.


- Posted in Uncategorized

Tired Overwriting someone’s data because you are saving on the server and the server does not understand you are accessing the same data Being dependent on one party’s walled garden whims (i.e. App Store) Wrangling with settings and permission schemes Trying to mimic one platform on another Dealing with the file system Acting like there […]

Een échte app

- Posted in development hiring side-projects software

Wij hebben letterlijk tientallen prototypes van applicaties, en het jeukt om daar toch eens iets écht van te maken. Zeker nu ik opeens heel wat meer tijd heb dan normaal. Maar hoe begin je daar aan? Mijn eerste instinct is om Lynda te openen en een Laravel + Vue.js cursus te volgen, maar ergens heb […]

Experimenting with Svelte (3): A plan

- Posted in development javascript svelte website

This is a follow-up to Experimenting with Svelte (2): the doubts. In the last post I expressed my doubts about using Svelte for a production website. Some people have commented on this by saying that we might be using the wrong tool for the job. They say a website is a document, so static HTML […]

More on “design tasks”

- Posted in design hiring process

Following up on “design tasks”. Apparently a topic of great interest, because I can keep writing about it? Both @michaelbierut and @markboulton (two of my design heroes btw) have this belief in the portfolio. We’ve had over 60 candidates for our jobs. Very few people have portfolios that show what we need: digital product design […]

Die keer dat ik een kans kreeg (zonder uitgebreide sollicitatie)

- Posted in entrepreneurship nederlands

Ik las zondag een artikel van Monzo, over hoe zij het sollicitatie proces voor designers aanpakken. Twitter stond in vuur en vlam, want er had iemand gezegd dat het een belachelijk proces was (zie tweet), niet echt met een argumentering, gewoon een uitlating. En onder die tweet stonden dan veel gelijkgestemden: ja, dat kan toch […]