Author Archives: Johan


- Posted in other - 1 comment

I’m pretty tired of some small-time bullshit that I see on Twitter sometimes. Some people really take their self-promotion too far. Today I was reminded of someone, who, whenever I met him in real life thought he was a cool guy. I respect most of his writing and opinions. In fact I probably learned a […]

Time for a new quality CSS framework

- Posted in css

There are two main schools of thought in CSS frameworks. There is the old guard (Foundation/Bootstrap) that is good for entry level work/learning but creates problems on bigger projects due to style leakage and not enough strictness in namespacing. Then there is a new logic with lots of utility classes (which might get recompiled to […]


- Posted in web

Hidde added a blog roll to his website. No, this is not 2006, it’s 2019 – but the blog roll is making a comeback! I made my own blog roll, which for now is just this blog post. I added some topical #hashtags to help you find something you like: CSS Tricks #css #frontend #dev […]

Making of “Best of 2018”

- Posted in side-projects

Last year I made a “best of” project and this year I wanted to do it again. You can view the “Best of 2018” website here. This is the making of blogpost in which I discuss which technical explorations I went through to get to the end result. Making these kinds of websites is not […]

Mijn 2018

- Posted in other

Het einde van het jaar brengt vaak een moment van reflectie met zich mee: wat heb ik dit jaar juist gedaan, en waar gaat het naartoe? Professioneel had ik een zéér goed jaar. We zijn met Mono bezig met de juiste UI/UX design projecten voor de juiste klanten, en daar ben ik blij om. Ik […]

We need a standards-based way to detect high contrast mode

- Posted in accessibility css

So, contrast. It’s one of the most important success criteria for passing WCAG. It was top of mind in this design project recently where a lot of the branding was orange, and the problem was that white text on orange buttons didn’t pass WCAG 2.1. The project was government-related and for a large audience so I […]

Digitalisering van de Go Pass/Rail Pass is nodig

- Posted in apps belgische-problemen nederlands public-transport - 2 comments

KBC is de 1e bank om de aanschaf van treintickets toe te voegen aan de mobiele app. Ik kan dit alleen maar toejuichen. De kwaliteit van de mobiele KBC app is erg hoog. Ik hoop dat ze dezelfde kwaliteit kunnen bewaren in deze ervaring. Ik meen dat het al langer mogelijk is om trein tickets te […]

Set up a keyboard shortcut for tags in macOS Mojave

- Posted in computers macos workflow - 3 comments

I wanted to bind ⌥+⌘+T to be able to use macOS’s tags feature using a keyboard shortcut in The way to set it up is super vague, so I figured I would share that you need to do to make it work. First, set it up in System Preferences > Shortcuts. Attach the shortcut […]

On taking care of your digital belongings

- Posted in computers web

I tweeted “Just self-host your things. External services can change the rules at any minute and they will.” This was mostly in response to people complaining about Flickr’s recent policy change, which limits free accounts to show the 1000 latest photos. It’s also sort of a retort against Medium, a service I have been using […]

Make a website dark according to user preferences

- Posted in web

In macOS Mojave, you can set your preference to dark UI. You can target this preference with CSS using code like this: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { body { background-color: #FFF; color: #000; } } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { body { background: #000; color: #FFF; } } See this Codepen for a demo. This only works […]