Author Archives: Johan

Micro #1

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I have to choose a design tool for a new wireframe. I want the collab of Figma, the prototyping of XD, and the symbols and detail levels of Sketch. Can’t have it all I guess.

Virtual Reality: First Steps

- Posted in vr

I got an HTC Vive a couple of weeks ago and so far I’ve been exploring how to use it, trying different pieces of software and games. From a professional perspective I am taking in all the different design patterns. I started work on a blog post about UI design patterns in VR, something I […]

Progressive enhancement is not always possible

- Posted in web - 3 comments

In december I read the excellent “The Case Against Progressive Enhancement’s Flimsy Moral Foundation” (and its followup) which poses some interesting thoughts on some of the arguments that some of PE’s biggest proponents put forward to defend their position. I started learned webdesign in ’06 and I was heavily influenced by the web standards movement. I […]

Resilient Web Design

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“Resilient Web Design” by @adactio is an important book. Many of the references are among the best writing I’ve read during years of learning about web design. My only critique that – as a designer of highly interactive applications – the example of PE is way too simplistic. But I guess that’s just where I’ve […]

Act your size

- Posted in entrepeneurship

Jason Fried on why there’s no need to put up a front: Bullshitting about scale is only part of the problem. There’s an awful lot of resumé enhancement going on as well. Think about what’s really happening when you see, say, Apple on someone’s client list. Do you think the person really worked for Apple? […]

A CSS nerd question about render scaling and viewport meta tags

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We can set a site to be responsive with the standard meta tag to do so:   <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width”> This will adapt the content to the viewport width. We can also explicitly set a width – this is pretty uncommon, but it’s possible:   <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=1024″> This will render the content at 1024. […]

VR bits (2): VR accessories

- Posted in vr

At CES 2017, HTC announced the HTC Vive tracker, which is kind of an accessory to create other VR accessories. The idea is that you attach it to real-life objects to then use these in VR. For example you could attach it to a (special) baseball bat, which would enable you to bat in VR. […]

VR/AR bits

- Posted in vr

TPCast is a wireless adapter for the HTC Vive that allows you to use the device untethered. According to Norman Chan of it works near flawlessly (Youtube video). Here’s a player in the VR Space I did not hear about yet: ODG. They raised a $58 million financing round recently. Their history seems to be in […]

Why I bought a 2015 Macbook Pro

- Posted in computers - 1 comment

In my last post computer conundrum I posted about the difficult choice of which machine to get. Over the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about this problem, researching alternatives and considering every option. I use my computer for interface design work. In my free time I do some video editing. I want a machine that […]

Computer conundrum

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I have a retina Macbook Pro from 2012, and it has served me well. However, it’s practically dying (especially the battery), and I need a new Macbook. The recent Macbook announcement got me thinking: do I replace my Macbook and start carrying dongles around, or do I try to find an alternate solution? Apple announced […]